Macaron NFT Claim LIVE Soon 马卡龙喊你来领奖 🫵

2 min readMay 30, 2024


Dear Fam,

Macaron NFTs have been introduced to our community for slightly over one month. We are so much thankful for all the love from our community members. As stated before, our NFTs will be claimable around 30th, May. Today, we are proud and excited to announce that, the Claim page for Macaron NFTs and Macaron Points redeeming will be LIVE in mid-term of June. Users who got NFT whitelisted and users who got Points from Macaron Point System will be able to claim mainnet tokens on that landing page.

Some Rules that you need to know👇

  • Macaron NFTs will be redeemed into mainnet governance tokens of Macaron, in the form of veMACA.
  • Each Macaron NFT is net-valued at $100, pegged to the initial FDV of Macaron which is only $30M.
  • veMACA, by its name, is a Vote Escrowed token. veMACA is the governance token in the form of NFT and it has multiple benefits affiliated (find more info below).
  • Detailed rules for points redeeming and claiming will be released soon, so stay tuned, fam.

Some questions that you might wanna ask👇

  • What is veMACA?

-veMACA is a veToken. Vote Escrowed tokens (veTokens) are tokens that have been willingly locked for a period of time by a token holder in exchange for the right to participate in the governance of a protocol. veMACA as the governance token of Macaron will enable the holders with voting rights and benefits affiliated.

  • What are the benefits of holding veMACA?
  1. Voting rights. You can choose the Pools with high APR and cast your votes to enjoy passive income as the Pools will have various schemes of incentives offered for voters. In each epoch (one week), voters will get their shares of incentives from the pools that they voted for. Incentives of the pools will include trading fees and incentives provided by projects.
  2. Stable income. As epochs continue to roll, you will get weekly income from the shares of incentives that the pools you voted for.
  3. Be a governor and owner. You get the votes, you are the boss. The projects listed on Macaron will treat you with benefits in order to get your votes.
  4. A share of trading fees. As a governor of Macaron, you will get a proportional share of trading fees from the pools that you voted for.
  5. More yet to be unlocked when we release the finalized tokenomics.


Macaron NFT自推出以来已有一月有余。来自社区的喜爱和支持让马卡龙团队的每一个小伙伴感动和感激。如之前所说,我们将在5月30号左右公布具体的获取规则。今天,我们正式宣布,马卡龙将在6月中旬上线专有的领取页面,所有获得NFT白单的用户以及积分用户都可以在该页面领取奖励


  • Macaron NFT将以veToken的形式兑换给大家,即veMACA。veMACA是马卡龙的治理代币。
  • 每一个Macaron NFT净值100美金,锚定马卡龙的初始FDV(即3000万美金)。
  • veMACA,是一种投票托管代币,顾名思义,是NFT形式的治理代币,附属多种收益(更多信息往下看)。
  • 积分的具体兑换规则将近期公布,请大家关注。

两个大家可能想问的问题 👇

  • veMACA到底是个啥?

- veMACA是一种veToken。投票托管代币,简称veToken,是一种持有者将其锁定一定时间以获得平台治理和投票权利的凭证。veMACA是马卡龙平台的治理代币,持有者除拥有投票权利外还拥有一系列附属收益

  • veMACA都有哪些附属收益?
  1. 投票权。持有veMACA的用户可以自行选择马卡龙上喜欢的项目池子或者高APR的池子进行投票。每个池子都有相应的激励池给到投票者。每一期(即每周),投票者都可以从所投的池子中获得相应比例的收益。激励池包括该池子的交易手续费以及该项目提供的激励。
  2. 稳定收益。随着投票一期一期进行,veMACA的持有者可以从所投票的池子中获得每周的固定收益。
  3. 成为治理者和主人。谁手里有票,谁就是老大。马卡龙上的所有项目都会为了你手中的投票权提供给你应有的收益。
  4. 分享交易手续费。作为马卡龙的治理者,你将会获得你所投票的池子的相应比例的手续费分成。
  5. 更多价值即将解锁,敬请期待正式的经济模型公布。

About Macaron

Macaron is the First and Native DEX built on Bitlayer, offering the most seamless trading experience and competitive yield-making schemes for users.









First and Native DEX on Bitlayer, Liquidity & Yields for Users.